Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wine Not Whine

Living for a few months in South Africa has given me a unique view of the country that I think I would have missed if I had only been here a short time. It's multicultural, with 11 official languages. It has an incredible wealth gap, which is nowhere more evident than in the schools and the living situations of students. Yet, it is also a young nation, founded within my lifetime. Trying to figure out how to atone for the crimes of the past, while also moving forward, will take time.

Tourists are frequently worried about the crime. Within Cape Town it is evident. I've heard of a few muggings, and have seen multiple car windows smashed. However, even taking this into account, I would highly recommend a visit here.

The other day I saw an USA tourist board advertisement. It wasn't until the end, when they told me they were advertising it that I knew this (not a good sign.) I'll try to do a better job promoting South Africa.

Cape Town has a landscape few cities can match. The ocean with a mountain right next door.

View of Cape Town

The diversity of the culture comes out in unique and beautiful ways.


The wildlife is unmatched.

Plus (and I cannot stress this enough) there's wine.

A glass of house wine in a restaurant generally costs about 15 rand or $1.25. The vineyards are close and are simply beautiful.

Now that I'm leaving, I can't wait to come back.


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